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Sister Patricia, Superior General and Sister Ghislaine, Councilor,
were in Belo Horizonte for
the Provincial Assembly of Brazil
February 1 - 8, 2014.
Upon arriving in Belo Horizonte, they learned of the death of Father João Batista Libanio, SJ, a Liberation Theologian who was to be present for the Provincial Assembly. Very touched by his sudden death, the sisters participated in various celebrations of his life. Srs Patricia and Ghislaine attended the funeral themselves, and were very touched by the accolades and signs of affection which were shown.
"I have come to cast fire on the earth." Luke 12:49
Opening Celebration of the Assembly
Consider the reality of the Province to hear and respond to the calls of God for the Cenacle today |
This is the theme on which the sisters prayed, reflected and shared
with the help of Sister Vilma Moreira, Daugher of Jesus,
facilitator for this meeting.
Father Manoel Godoy, came on the second day
to give a presentation on the current reality of the society and the Church in Brazil,
while Dc Reinaldo, lawyer and attorney,
came on another day to give valuable information on changes in the law.
The work was intense but there were also
good times to celebrate, like the Jubilee of
Sister Maria Victoria and Sister Maria da Penha,
as well as Mass in a church
in downtown Belo Horizonte
organized by the CRB,
the Conference of Religious of Brazil
to celebrate its 60th anniversary.
Moments of reflection in small groups and sharing in plenary were well prepared for by long periods of personal prayer, fostering listening more attentively and greater respect.
God is good; He is more than good; He is Goodness!
The fruits of this Assembly are five priorities
which the Cenacle Sisters in Brazil are eager to implement!