Xiao Wei First Vows

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On December 9, 2013,

the Feast of the Immaculate Conception,

Sister Xiaowei pronounced her first vows

in the chapel of the Retreat House

in Quezon City, Philippines.  

Xiaowei is the second Singaporean to enter the Cenacle.


In the Spirit of the Feast, Xiaowei joined Mary, our mother, in

Her Magnificat to the Lord.

She proclaimed the greatness of the Lord and rejoiced in Jesus, her Saviour!






The people

at the biginning of the celebration

in the Chapel of the Cenacle 

in Manila





Xiaowei with Father Champoux, SJ

and Sister Malen, the Novice director



Dialogue beween Xiaowei and Sr Malen

Sr. Malen:       Sr. Xiaowei

Xiaowei:         Here I am.

Presider:        Xiaowei, what do you ask of God and of his holy Church?

Xiaowei:         I ask for God’s merciful love,

for the grace of serving him and in living religious life

in the Congregation of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle.

Presider and Cenacle Sisters:                     Thanks be to God.


Sister Bubbles, Regional Superior for the Sisters of the Cenacle in Philippines and Singapore,

receiving Xiaowei's Vows 

Dialogue between Regional Superior and Candidate


Xiaowei : I ask that I may live my commitment to God through the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in the Congregation of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle.

Sr. Bubbles:    I accept your vows in the name of the Church for the Congregation of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle.




Sr Xiaowei with her family and Sister Cecille 






