Corvid-19: Prions les uns pour les autres/ Let us pray for one another

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Pendant cette période d'épidemie du Corona virus, prions les uns pour les autres. Nous pouvons mettre vos intentions de prières dans la case "Comment".
During this time of Covid-19 epidemic, let us pray for one another. You can write below your prayer intentions in the "Comment" box below.
Votre nom
Please write your first name and the 1st initial of your last name, followed by a period, e.g., Thérèse C.
Merci d’écrire votre prénom et l’initiale de votre nom de famille. Par ex : Thérèse C.
To submit your prayer intention, click on “Enregistrer” below. If you wish to review it before submission, click on “Aperçu” below. 
Dans la case « Comment », écrivez votre intentrion de prière puis cliquez sur "Enregistrer" pour l’envoyer. Si auparavant vous voulez la relire, cliquez sur "Aperçu". 


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Marie C.

For my cousin Jeanine who is an ICU nurse caring for patients with Corona virus.

Jeanne Françoise

Que la volonté de Dieu soit faite pour le monde

Janet M.

Please pray for me, my husband and our family, extended families, friends, Cenacle Family and Parish Family, and all in our country and the world that all may be healthy, well and safe. May we remember to pray a blessing on all each day.

Marie-Thérèse V.

Seigneur Jésus à travers les circonstances actuelles de ma vie, étant contagieuse du covid 19, tu me demandes quelques "détachements de personnes, de choses, de lieu" (Mère Thérèse). avec Toi je rends grâce au Père, de me rendre solidaire de tous ceux qui sont atteints, de toutes les personnes qui les soignent et donnent leur vie. Que l'Esprit Saint brûle mon coeur d'Amour pour Toi et tous mes frères et soeurs en humanité. Amen !


Renim-pianakaviana iray mangata-bavaka: tena tsy salama amin'izao fotoana izao. Tsy manana fahafahana ny hitsabo tena noho ny tsy fahampiana.

Ana L.

Je viens vous demander de prier pour les gouvernements qui dirigent les nations de ce monde. Qu’ils puissent s’ouvrir au l’Esprit Saint et ainsi s’opposer et réorienter l’économie en fonction de la transition écologique, et pas pour simplement sauver le capitalisme. Unies dans la prière, avec quelques femmes et avec Marie, la mère de Jésus. Merci!


Miteraka olana marobe eo amin'ny fifandraisan'ny mpianakavy ity COVID 19 . Koa mivavaha mba hahay hifanampy sy hifandefitra ary hifanohana amin'ny lafiny rehetra izy ireo. Indrindra hanana fifikirana mafy amin'Andriamanitra.


Mivavaha ho an'ireo mpitondra isan'ambaratonga amin'ny adidy izay iandraiketany amin'izao covid 19 izao mba hanana fahasalamana izy ireo.

ANNIE( Novice)

Mangatam-bavaka ho an'ny zokiko mba hanana fahendrena sy mba hitodika amin'Andriamanitra izy.

Marie-Thérèse V

Dieu Notre Père, accueille dans ton Amour miséricordieux : Nicole, Paulette, M. Chardonnier, Andréa, et quelques autres résidents de notre commun lieu de vie : l'EHPAD Ste Monique. Donne à leurs familles qui ne peuvent les voir une dernière fois, l'assurance que la personne qu'elles aiment est entrée dans la Paix éternelle de la Ste Trinité. Que l'Esprit Saint leur donne de vivre un deuil apaisé et soutenu par leurs amis. Nous t'en prions, exauce Père, notre prière, par ton Fils Jésus Christ Notre Seigneur et Sauveur, livré à ton Amour et à l'Amour de l'Humanité, que tu as relevé de la Mort pour l’Éternité, dans la Puissance de l'Esprit-Saint.


That healing will to Ireland and especially those in nursing homes

Mary Anne G.

Dear Lord please bless my dear family......keep them safe from harm and ever close to Your precious heart......bless as well all those close to me and all the people in this world who are challenged daily by this pandemic........keep our health care heroes strong and safe......thank you for our gift of life, so precious.......Peace to this world!

Evelyn J.

That all in our world will be receptive to the graces our good God is offering us - for healing, conversion and charity during the pandemic.

Naomi Corpuz

Prayers for our country's frontliners and for those who have passed on due to Covid19.
I also ask for graces and financial blessings, wisdom and strength for my second mom and her family and that she will always have patience with me.
I also ask for the eternal repose of the souls of all the members of my family.
I also ask for the healing of all those who are sick.
I also lift up to you Lord my bar exams - for wisdom, grace and strength and successfully pass it on my first take and be a good lawyer.
I also pray for good health and protection from the snares of the devil for my loved ones, friends and family and all my nephews and nieces, all my friends and also their families.
Thank you, Lord with the intercession of our Mama Mary, all angels and saints. Amen.

Peg L.

For the poor of the world whose living conditions make it impossible to practice social distancing etc.

Rennard Christi...

My prayers to each one.

Marissa G. Capiral

Praying for the soul of Jethro Salazar and prayers to all frontliners here and abroad

Zhel Quindoza

Praying for everybody’s good health around the world.

Esperanza Alino...

Let us pray for everyone's safety and good health.

Tita L. Francis...

Prayers for everyone’s safety and good health around the world, comfort and healing for the sick,
Protection and strength for all the doctors, nurses, hospital workers, food providers, pharmacy workers and government workers.

Erla Mae Ayson ...

We ask for prayers not only for my family and friends back in the Philippines but for the whole world who is experiencing the greatest battle in our lives. That the Lord hear our prayers while we trend the storm to heal the afflicted, comfort the dying, protect all frontliners especially our doctors and nurses and all healthcare workers and volunteers

Terezinha C

Por todos os profissionais de saúde, por todos os demais trabalhadores de serviços essenciais e por todas as pessoas que estão infectadas, pelas pessoas que faleceram por causa do Covid-19, em comunhão com seus familiares

Zhel Quindoza

Praying for everybody’s good health around the world.

Erla Mae Ayson ...

We ask for prayers not only for my family and friends back in the Philippines but for the whole world who is experiencing the greatest battle in our lives. That the Lord hear our prayers while we trend the storm to heal the afflicted, comfort the dying, protect all frontliners especially our doctors and nurses and all healthcare workers and volunteers

Tita L. Francis...

Prayers for everyone’s safety and good health around the world, comfort and healing for the sick,
Protection and strength for all the doctors, nurses, hospital workers, food providers, pharmacy workers and government workers

Angelina Villanueva

For the repose of the souls of: Sr. Mary Vianney, SPC; Fr. Joseph O'Hare, S.J.; Fr. Angel Luciano, CICJM, Carn Abella

Beth C.

Prayers for those who affected psycho emotionally by the COVID 19 pandemic. May they be given the courage to seek professional help; may there be professional personnel able and available to help them.

Mary G.

We pray for the people who are not permitted to be with their loved ones who are dying, nor to be present as they are buried. May the Lord comfort them in their grief and pain.

Hanitra G.V

Prions pour toutes les personnes qui n'ont pas assez d'argent pour faire face au confinement ! Mivavaha hoan'ny olona izay tsy manana ny ampy hiatrehana ny Confinement !