Sharing the Word of God

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We want to share the word of God with all to whom we are sent and, with them, to listen to the Holy Spirit.  Accompanying them in their quest for God, we try to help them discern his will. Then as they progress in knowledge and love of the Lord, we encourage them to respond to the challenge of the Gospel in personal and family life, and also in professional and civic activity.  Such personal growth leads to promoting here and now the Kingdom of God, a kingdom of justice and peace. 

God's word is living and effective. Pondering it in the silence of the heart (Luke 2:19), we try to surrender ourselves to its action and to be led by the Spirit to hand on this word to others. 

Prayer, which is at the center of the mystery of the Cenacle, should permeate our life.  lt draws down on us and on the world the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  It confirms us in our consecration to God and our personal love for Jesus Christ and all whom he loves.  As our apostolic work is to communicate the Word of God, the depth and effectiveness of our labors depend on our own familiarity with him.  This familiarity with God unites our prayer and our apostolic activity so that we are moved to action by prayer while action urges us to pray. Thus the apostolate, along with prayer, can reveal the face of Christ to be contemplated and his love to be received and given. 

"The spirit of this Society is essentially based on prayer and the interior life . . ."   Father Terme 

In Holy Scripture we find the message of God's love and the revelation of his glory.  Reflective reading and frequent meditation on the word of God deepen our faith and sustain our fidelity.  Under the action of the Holy Spirit, present in Scripture and in those who believe, we come to follow Christ who leads us to the Father.
Interior knowledge of Scripture is indispensable to our apostolate in making known this source of life.
