In the Spirit of our Founders

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The heritage left by our founders is the fruit of their docility to the Holy Spirit.


Father Terme and Mother Therese received a charism destined to give the Church a Congregation dedicated to awakening and deepening faith.


We can continue this mission only by being rooted, as they were, in a deep interior life based on faith, humility and a charity which expresses itself in untiring zeal.


"I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!" Luke 12:49


Letter (extract) of St Thérèse Couderc  to Mother de Larochenégly

August 10, 1866 about 


I had, a few days ago, an insight which consoled me very much.

It was during my thanksgiving, when I was making a few reflections upon the goodness of God, and how should one not think of this at such a time, of that infinite goodness, uncreated goodness, the source of all goodness!  And without this there would be no goodness whatsoever, whether in man or in other creatures.

I was extremely touched by these reflections when I saw written as in letters of gold this word “Goodness,” which I repeated for a long time with indescribable sweetness.  I beheld it, I say, written upon all creatures, animate and inanimate, rational or not, all bore the name of goodness, 
I saw it upon the chair that served as a prie-dieu.

I understood then that all these creatures have of good and all the services and assistance that we receive from each of them is a benefit which we owe to the goodness of our God who has communicated to them something of his infinite goodness so that we may meet it in 
everything and everywhere.


Lord Jesus, 
I unite myself
to your perpetual,
universal sacrifice.
I offer myself to you
every day of my life
and every moment of every day
according to your most holy and
adorable will.
You have been the victim of my salvation;
I wish to be the victim of your love.
Accept my desire,
take my offering, graciously hear my prayer.
Let me live for love of you; let me die for love of you;
let my last heartbeat be an act of perfect love!
Mother Therese
