With the Spiritual Exercices of St Ignatius

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When our founders discovered the Spiritual Exercices of Saint Ignatius,they found in them a most efficacious means "to make Jesus known and loved"  (Father Terme, Letter to Miss Pauline Jaricot, October 8, 1833). Through the Exercises they introduced the Congregation to the great current of lgnatian Spirituality which marks many aspects of our life. From these early days the Spiritual Exercises have been an essential element of our religious formation and our apostolic service. They prepare us to respond to the ever-recurring calls of the Lord, to love and embrace what Jesus Christ loved and embraced and to labor with him for the building of his kingdom. Our formation for this ministry and our participation in giving retreats, whether to groups or individuals, contribute a distinctive character to our vocation.


Where to make a retreat with the Spiritual Exercices of St Ignatius with a Cenacle Sister?

In France, in Italy, in England and Ireland, in Togoin North America, in the Philippines and  Singapore, in Brazil, in Madagascar, in New Zealand and Australia, in a group or with personal spiritual direction in a community of the Cenacle online with Notre-Dame du Web

